Monday, December 29, 2014

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

#Pay attention... This shitz coming...Soul Travelers ★ Occult Demons Magic Satanism Illuminati Freemasons ♦ Sp...

Friday, December 26, 2014

#Wow... Any debunkers out there...Paul Walker Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy EXPOSED !!! A Victim o...

#Wow... Any debunkers out there...Paul Walker Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy EXPOSED !!! A Victim o...

#Wow... Any debunkers out there...Paul Walker Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy EXPOSED !!! A Victim o...

#Be the change....Share the truth... Your truth...What Power Do You Have To Change The World?

#O K ...last one on the subject of Christmas... You tell me...True Meaning of Christmas... What Are You Really Celebrating??? {Documen...

#This really is true and good... Check it out ... Don't shot the messenger....Christmas - What Your Pastor Doesn't Want You to Know - Part 3

#This really is true and good... Check it out ... Don't shot the messenger....Christmas - What Your Pastor Doesn't Want You to Know - Part 3

#Once again please.... don't shoot the messenger...Christmas - what every Christian needs to know - Part 1

#Don't shoot the messenger...Christmas is PAGAN - Jesus Is NOT The Reason For The Season Saturnalia IS!

#So did I just pay tribute to the ancient pagan god of Saturn...?Merry SATURNalia 2014! Christmas $aturnMAS Woo Hoo!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

#Last one... Down memory lane...Dave Mason-We Just Disagree

#One last classic for the road...Stevie Nicks wearing a mini-skirt, performing Gold Dust Woman with Bob W...

#4 Some unexplainable reason this song still brings a tear to my eyes...Todd Rundgren - Hello It's Me (1972)

#Classic....I remember singing this to Candy's sister....Looking glass - Brandi you're a fine girl

#Classic....I remember singing this to Candy's sister....Looking glass - Brandi you're a fine girl

#Classic....I remember singing this to Candy's sister....Looking glass - Brandi you're a fine girl

#This has been a scientific fact since 1952...So why don't we ALL know this...?Proof: The Placebo Effect Really Works! ( Amazing!)

#This has been a scientific fact since 1952...So why don't we ALL know this...?Proof: The Placebo Effect Really Works! ( Amazing!)

#This has been a scientific fact since 1952...So why don't we ALL know this...?Proof: The Placebo Effect Really Works! ( Amazing!)

#This has been a scientific fact since 1952...So why don't we ALL know this...?Proof: The Placebo Effect Really Works! ( Amazing!)

#Please stop falling for the lies....PEOPLE WAKING UP! Message to All Ferguson Protesters: SHUT THE MEDIA DOWN!

#Please stop falling for the lies....PEOPLE WAKING UP! Message to All Ferguson Protesters: SHUT THE MEDIA DOWN!

#Don't fall for the lies...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

#Don't fall for the lies...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

#Don't fall for the lies...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

#Don't fall for the lies...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

#Get some real news... Turn off the TV....Is The U.S. Government Pushing War Between Police And The People - Episo...

#Get some real news... Turn off the TV....Is The U.S. Government Pushing War Between Police And The People - Episo...

#Get some real news... Turn off the TV....Is The U.S. Government Pushing War Between Police And The People - Episo...

#Get some real news... Turn off the TV....Is The U.S. Government Pushing War Between Police And The People - Episo...

#Get some real news... Turn off the TV....Is The U.S. Government Pushing War Between Police And The People - Episo...

Monday, December 22, 2014

#Be the change...By being aware...Rebalancing the Matrix

#Be the change...By being aware...Rebalancing the Matrix

#Be the change...By being aware...Rebalancing the Matrix

#Be aware...Don't fall for the bullshit anymore...PLEASE...Sydney Siege Hoax: Natalie Barr Fake Crying, Jihadi Fear Porn, Drills Dr...

#Be aware...Don't fall for the bullshit anymore...PLEASE...Sydney Siege Hoax: Natalie Barr Fake Crying, Jihadi Fear Porn, Drills Dr...

#Be aware...Don't fall for the bullshit anymore...PLEASE...Sydney Siege Hoax: Natalie Barr Fake Crying, Jihadi Fear Porn, Drills Dr...

#Be aware...Don't fall for the bullshit anymore...PLEASE...Sydney Siege Hoax: Natalie Barr Fake Crying, Jihadi Fear Porn, Drills Dr...

#The right to bare arms is what makes this possible...The Armed Citizen: Fight Crime By Fighting Back

#The right to bare arms is what makes this possible...The Armed Citizen: Fight Crime By Fighting Back

#The right to bare arms is what makes this possible...The Armed Citizen: Fight Crime By Fighting Back

#The right to bare arms is what makes this possible...The Armed Citizen: Fight Crime By Fighting Back

#Bravo...Be the change...12 Year Old Boy Puts Cop in His Place

#Bravo...Be the change...12 Year Old Boy Puts Cop in His Place

Friday, December 19, 2014

#Just follow the money... Who stands to gain the most...911-Conspiracy Finally Solved!: Names, Connections, Motives, 911Matrix o...

#Hmmmm....Saturday Night Live's BLATANT 9/11 Foreshadowing 1.5 YRS Before Event!

#Hmmmm....Saturday Night Live's BLATANT 9/11 Foreshadowing 1.5 YRS Before Event!

#Hmmmm....Saturday Night Live's BLATANT 9/11 Foreshadowing 1.5 YRS Before Event!

#Hmmmm....Saturday Night Live's BLATANT 9/11 Foreshadowing 1.5 YRS Before Event!

#Share this ...Be aware....The Cancer HOAX Amazing Testimony

#Share this ...Be aware....The Cancer HOAX Amazing Testimony

#Share this ...Be aware....The Cancer HOAX Amazing Testimony

#Please share this...It's time for us to stop participating...Iceland Jails Bankers A Model for Dealing with "Financial Terrorist'

#Lets not forget about the 39 banker suicides taking place...Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, Franc...

#Lets not forget about the 39 banker suicides taking place...Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, Franc...

#Lets not forget about the 39 banker suicides taking place...Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, Franc...

#Lets not forget about the 39 banker suicides taking place...Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, Franc...

#Lets not forget about the 39 banker suicides taking place...Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, Franc...

#Love this guy....Check it out...Share it...THE PASSWORD IN YOUR EYE -- Mind Blow #90

#Good stuff...Share this...2015 Predictions- Doom Is ALWAYS 6 Months Away

It's amazing how much we really don't know about the so called holidays we years.... Makes you want to not celebrate these days...MUST SEE! Shocking and creepy orgin of Christmas

Sunday, December 7, 2014

#Words of true wisdom...SOLA 10 37 The Genius of George Carlin

#Words of true wisdom...SOLA 10 37 The Genius of George Carlin

#Better wake the fuck up...SOLA 10 36 How to Talk to Government Agents

#Better wake the fuck up...SOLA 10 36 How to Talk to Government Agents

#Better wake the fuck up...SOLA 10 36 How to Talk to Government Agents

#Pay attention...Russia's Central Bank Hit by Accusations of Sabotaging the Ruble

#This piece is so incredible...Debussy, Clair de lune (piano music)

#Just had to share this one.. Ya know...Is Earth Actually Flat?

#O k You self absorbed entitled white prejudice assholes...Pay attention... White Priviledge ~ Tim Wise

#This is good information ...might want to check it out...Share this...Methods of Depopulation

#Be aware..Be the change..."LOVE" (Everything you have been told was a lie)

#I look forward to the the end of old and the beginning of a new...Why I Think This World Should End

#Does this speak you...Do what you must do...Words of Wisdom !! This video must go VIRAL !!

#Don't be the poor little me...Be the change...The Real You - Alan Watts

#Who are you...Are you me...Alan Watts - The Real You

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

#This is so good Must hear...Please share...Apathy is Terminal

#This is so good Must hear...Please share...Apathy is Terminal

#This is so good Must hear...Please share...Apathy is Terminal

#Wow... I didn't realize all of this ...Did you..?Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli | TEDxJaffa

#This is really good... It's time to realize what is really going on...Share this...Man Facing Execution Pens Chilling Letter Full Of Truths You Can't Deny

#After viewing this video... Do you still think there was wrong doing..? Really???BOMBSHELL! Michael Brown Autopsy Decimates CNN's Racist Narrative

#If you are in a position to blow the whistle and you don't ...YOU blow....SOLA 10 34 How To Be A Whistle Blower

#Be the change ...Be aware of what your government is really doing...NYC Secretly Opens 23 Homeless Shelters In NYC

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#Huh...Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett (lyrics and the story behind the song)

#Share this ...Let it be known...Be the change...Unreal! NEW Sandy Hook Movie CENSORED Off Internet After ONE Day!

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

# Do you know why our media does not report on this ..? They don't want us to revolt...What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?

Sunday, November 30, 2014

#Did you know this..?STACK & ATTACK: Annihilate the Bankers With PHYSICAL Silver & Gold

‪#‎Don‬'t believe the lies of our mainstream media bullshit...11/30/2014 -- FALSE reports of "National Guard" setting fires in Ferguso...

‪#‎Don‬'t believe the lies of our mainstream media bullshit...11/30/2014 -- FALSE reports of "National Guard" setting fires in Ferguso...

# Take the time to see this... You'll thank me... But no need...Ebola - Fear, Lies And The Evidence


# Pat attention .... Educate yourself... Prepare yourself ... Financial Meltdown - When Will Economic Collapse Happen‬

# Pat attention .... Educate yourself... Prepare yourself ... Financial Meltdown - When Will Economic Collapse Happen‬

# Pat attention .... Educate yourself... Prepare yourself ... Financial Meltdown - When Will Economic Collapse Happen‬

# Pat attention .... Educate yourself... Prepare yourself ... Financial Meltdown - When Will Economic Collapse Happen‬

# might want to pay attention to this...Professor David Suzuki speaks out against GMO's

#Pay attention...Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told

#Pay attention...Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told

#If Bill is able to fool us all as he did...Imagine what the industry/Government that sponsored old Bill has been up to...Bill Cosby - America's Funniest Serial Rapist

#My god is this the way our government actually operates..? Pathetic...Important information about energy saver light bulbs

#How out of control is this situation...? WTF...Rotherham Pig Shit - An Issue of Culture

# I just had to re share this...If not just for the last part of this mans opinion...Well said...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Pay attention ...For even self serving ego maniacs can have good info...Game Over‬‬! - Economic Collapse - Global Meltdown Has Begun!

#Ignore the title... The info. is priceless...US civil war is coming - Financial Collapse Is Coming - Martial Law - Ge... attention.... Share this shit...WARNING - to Suspend Constitution - MARTIAL LAW - Riots Begin attention.... Share this shit...WARNING - to Suspend Constitution - MARTIAL LAW - Riots Begin attention.... Share this shit...WARNING - to Suspend Constitution - MARTIAL LAW - Riots Begin attention.... Share this shit...WARNING - to Suspend Constitution - MARTIAL LAW - Riots Begin

# Very good info to be aware of... Share this shit...Let's Be Honest About Facebook Spying

Friday, November 28, 2014

#Hmmmm... Geee why do you think this shit is happening..?Rigged Reality Radio OPEN LINES (11/20/2014)

#Be the change...Thankful

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Please pay attention to tis one and share it...RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man Made' Vaccines are the Carriers

#Pay attention ... Don't fall for the smoke and mirrors...100% Proof Ferguson STAGED Media RACE WAR Operation! WAKE UP AMERICA!

#Good Stuff...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

#Good Stuff...Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#I like this guy... good shit...The World's Largest Indoor Farm Produces 10,000 Heads of Lettuce a Day i...

#It's time to expand your knowledge... Athene's Theory of Everything

#Be the change.. Share this shit...The Wayseer Manifesto (With Subtitles) ~ Full 1080p HD Version

#The future is now...We Are from the Future — Next Stage: Revolution of Love

#Hmmmmm....Obama Alien Invasion

#Weather you believe this shit or not doesn't matter ...They believe it...Thought creates reality...Believe that...Fat Joe Exposes Gay Satanic Hollywood Cult

#Weather you believe this shit or not doesn't matter ...They believe it...Thought creates reality...Believe that...Fat Joe Exposes Gay Satanic Hollywood Cult

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology:CNN Race-Baits Ferguson Riots, Owes Darren Wilson Apology

Monday, November 17, 2014

#Hmmmmm...Jim Carrey Wants YOU To LOVE The Anti-Christ! Here's How!

#Better take your money out the banks while you still can...Invest it in gold and silver...before it's too late...Money in your Bank Account was stolen this morning

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#This is the kind of bull shit our governments are trying to shove down our throats...Be aware...False Flag Film: NATO 'Wags The Dog' to Invade Syria

#Do ANY of you know this...?TIME to Re-Think 9/11 & WTC 7!!

#I hope to god these criminals are actually punished...BUSH HIDING IN EXILE! Obama's Arrest, Bush's Trial

#Share this shit...Be the change...GOVERNMENT'S "WAR CRIMES"!

#Time to take action ...Get involved ...Be the change you want to see...Our Governments Are War Criminals Lets Arrest Them

#Time to take action ...Get involved ...Be the change you want to see...Our Governments Are War Criminals Lets Arrest Them

Monday, November 3, 2014

#Be the change...The Power of Words

#Still think our government is innocent...The Real Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox Works for CDC, ESI Agent

#Don't vaccinate...Use some common sense...The New Flu Shot is made with Dog Cells

SIS, The Muslim Menace & The Greater Israel Project

#Be aware...Don't believe the hype...Educate yourself...MEDIA 100% BUSTED SHOWING FAKE EBOLA PICS!

#Be aware...Don't believe the hype...Educate yourself...MEDIA 100% BUSTED SHOWING FAKE EBOLA PICS!

#Still trust the CDC..? Still think vaccinations are not harmful...Think again...Agenda 21 : A 9 Year Old Girl is paralyzed 3 days after getting the Flu ...

#Do ANY of you even know of this man..? I question his suicide...Michael Ruppert Dead of Apparent Suicide

#Just listen to the first 15 minutes...Don't believe the hype...THE EBOLA DECEPTION: Vaccine Agenda Fully Exposed - Final Edition [FULL ...

#Pay attention...You can't be the change you want to see unless you know what's really going on...CONSPIRACY of disaster - Confessions of an Economic Hitman - Extended In...

#Pay attention...You can't be the change you want to see unless you know what's really going on...CONSPIRACY of disaster - Confessions of an Economic Hitman - Extended In...

Friday, October 31, 2014

#This speaks to us all...THE WAYSEER MANIFESTO - [Official Video] (HQ)

#Take a stand... ~ For remember ~ KTVA Reporter Charlo Greene Explains Why She Quit The News For Marijuana...

#Poetic justice...I love it....Dog Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill it

#The Electric universe theory is much more probable than our traditional theory...Electric Universe | S0 News October 31, 2014

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#Gotta share this again... ; )A Message To Humanity!

#Good shit ....Be the change ...19 Minutes That Can Change Your Life! (Listen and Learn!)

#Good shit ....Be the change ...19 Minutes That Can Change Your Life! (Listen and Learn!)

# Be the change you want to see...What Gratitude Can Do For Our Lives! (Law Of Attraction)

#Pay attention ....We are not these people...The rulers of our country finance these people...BRUTAL BHEADING of CHRISTIANS - As CHILDREN stand WATCHING

#If you haven't seen this ..You need to...Classic....Some of the first stuff that woke me up....Good shit...2014 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

#Does this shit have to happen to you before you find it unacceptable...Be the change ...Get involved...Scary Proof Something Is About To Happen (AGENDA 21 Is Here)

#Been saying this for the past 4 years....AMERICA WILL COLLAPSE BY 2016

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#Good stuff...Anti-Petrodollar Oil CEO Dies in Freak Plane Crash - #NewWorldNextWeek

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

#Lets stop falling for the same old tactics...Time to wake up...Time to be the change...The Art of Deception Official Full Movie

# How amazing is this....!!SQUIRREL ADOPTED BY CAT LEARNS TO PURR!!

# How amazing is this....!!SQUIRREL ADOPTED BY CAT LEARNS TO PURR!!

#Stay aware...Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 2

#Stay aware...Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 2

#Stay aware ....Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 1

#Stay aware ....Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 1

#Pay attention...George Carlin at his best...Share this stuff..

#Don't be a religitard...Be you...Be the change...RELIGITARDS!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

#They always telegraph their actions before hand...It gives them for power or energy...These people are ritualistic in all they do...WHY THE ILLUMINATI MURDERED ROBIN WILLIAMS !!! For Satan and $$$

#They always telegraph their actions before hand...It gives them for power or energy...These people are ritualistic in all they do...WHY THE ILLUMINATI MURDERED ROBIN WILLIAMS !!! For Satan and $$$

# Any debunkers out there... This kid impresses me...So called "white" people are waking up to WHO YOU "BLACKS" ARE...

#Good shit...Eddie Griffin Drops TRUTH BOMBS On Unsuspecting Crowd

#This is us...You...We...Be the change...Woman Leaves Room Speechless: "I'm just a mom!" - One Of The Most Powerf...

#Pay attention...Your guns are next....Prepare people...Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

# Amazing how well trained we really are ....How to Herd Your Tax Cattle

Friday, October 3, 2014

#This is very long but worth it's weight in gold...Share this .... Download this ...PROJECT CAMELOT: SCOTT BENNETT : CIA, SWISS BANKS FUND ISIS

# WTF...???11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks Out Before Being Killed

#This is nothing more than child abuse and pedaphilia....Mass Hamas Wedding in Gaza With Girls 6-9 Years Old! Obama sent Hamas 40...

‪#‎Our‬ body and brain are merely the genetic suit we experience the world in...Our being/ consciousness exist out side the body...Is Consciousness More than the Brain? | Interview with Dr. Gary Schwartz

#Did anyone know this...Educate yourself....Bounty hunters: 60,000 cases of US cops seizing cash & property at 'any'...

#Stay aware... Be the change... Don't keep falling for the lies...James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly

#Stay aware... Be the change... Don't keep falling for the lies...James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly

Thursday, October 2, 2014

#Pay a fucking tension....The Truth About Americans that Support War in Iraq-Syria

#So true ...Give this a listen...You should resinate to parts of this....How Reaping and Sowing Is Always In Effect! (Law Of Attraction)

#We have the power to hold police accountable...NYC police officer caught on tape commiting major crime

#Be the change...Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

#Did any of you know any of this..?Illuminati Celebrities that found Jesus (2014)

#Don't fall for the hype.... Educate yourself...ISIS, Cognitive Dissonance, and The Perfect Monster! (2014)

#please pay attention....Rob Schneider Speaks Out Against Vaccines

#About dam time....Police Officer Cries As He's Sentenced To Life For Rape | JCTV | THE JEE...

#About dam time....Police Officer Cries As He's Sentenced To Life For Rape | JCTV | THE JEE...

#might want to pass this on....Don't know about or Believe in Chemtrails? (Don't miss this one)

#Pay attention folks...Being aware might save your life...Ebola In U.S.,Will It Be Used To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 481

Monday, September 29, 2014

Really good stuff...Leave America Now 300 Million Will Die in Civilization Collapse in the n...

# Please people...Do some research on the topics raised in this....Karen Hudes: Banker Suicides, Bitcoin and the Global Renaissance

#Trip out on this....Any debunkers out there ..?The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn points to the shemitah of 2015 as a day o...

#Trip out on this....Any debunkers out there ..?The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn points to the shemitah of 2015 as a day o...

#Question everything..Don't believe the hype...Be the change...How The Fake News Deceives The Planet

# great interview ...share this shit...Club Bilderberg (Intervista a Daniel Estulin)

# great interview ...share this shit...Club Bilderberg (Intervista a Daniel Estulin)

# great interview ...share this shit...Club Bilderberg (Intervista a Daniel Estulin)

# great interview ...share this shit...Club Bilderberg (Intervista a Daniel Estulin)

#I got this moron thing I do ...It's called Thinking...George Carlin at his best...Share this stuff..

#Facinating stuff..Why don't they teach us this stuff in our schools...?The Great Secret of Water - Dr. Gerald H. Pollack

#Facinating stuff..Why don't they teach us this stuff in our schools...?The Great Secret of Water - Dr. Gerald H. Pollack

#Facinating stuff..Why don't they teach us this stuff in our schools...?The Great Secret of Water - Dr. Gerald H. Pollack

#Be the change...Anonymous: We Are Good People

Friday, September 26, 2014

# We need to go after these criminalsTop 5 Reasons to Prosecute Bush and Cheney | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid ...

# We need to go after these criminalsTop 5 Reasons to Prosecute Bush and Cheney | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid ...

# We need to go after these criminalsTop 5 Reasons to Prosecute Bush and Cheney | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid ...

#How about the CiA...? That's my guess...Who Is REALLY Behind ISIS?

#How about the CiA...? That's my guess...Who Is REALLY Behind ISIS?

#How about the CiA...? That's my guess...Who Is REALLY Behind ISIS?

#Pay attention...Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - ...

#Good stuff...Pay attention...Calls for Revote in Scotland Vote Fraud Case - #NewWorldNextWeek

#Good stuff...Pay attention...Calls for Revote in Scotland Vote Fraud Case - #NewWorldNextWeek

#Good stuff...Pay attention...Calls for Revote in Scotland Vote Fraud Case - #NewWorldNextWeek

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Must watch play list..The Greatest Truth Never Told

Must watch play list..The Greatest Truth Never Told

Must watch play list..The Greatest Truth Never Told

Must watch play list..The Greatest Truth Never Told

#Share this shit....We are Anonymous, This is what we are capable of doing

#HUh...Anonymous Matrix

# Fascinating shit...Electric Sparks Shape Lunar Surface | Space News

# Fascinating shit...Electric Sparks Shape Lunar Surface | Space News

# Fascinating shit...Electric Sparks Shape Lunar Surface | Space News

#Good stuff...Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- ...

#You might have the time for this ...But do you have the stomach...?Ken O Keefe on 911

#Kenneth O'keefe is my new hero....Share this man's stuff while he still has a voice...Kenneth O'keefe .. Tough Talk (Gaza & Palestine)

#Kenneth O'keefe is my new hero....Share this man's stuff while he still has a voice...Kenneth O'keefe .. Tough Talk (Gaza & Palestine)

#PLEASE PEOPLE ...Give this a listen ...Share this shit... Be the change...Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not

#Referring to the 15 to 20 bankers that have supposedly killed themselves ...? Right..!!!! One of these guys (Bankers) used a nail gun..A NAIL GUN....???? I want you to think about what that might look like or rather how someone might do such a thing ...and while your thinking about it ... Think about this.. He shot himself 8 times with it 3 to the head the rest in his leg body and arm...Really??? Obviously this was a torturing not a murder...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

#Pay attention... This guy is on point ... Good stuff...The Anti-Christ "Beast System" REVEALED! (2014)

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Good stuff..Let's keep this shit fresh in our minds...Iraq War: Broken Promises & False Claims | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - ...

#Wow...Must it end....How about change ...Be the change....Why I Think This World Should End

#Good words....The Storm - The truth about your life

#Pay attention ....Lets not fall for the same bullshit from our government...America "Attacking" The Terrrorists It Fostered - James Corbett on Press TV

#So whats going to happen...Why aren't you new parents up in arms...? I have never had children and I am pissed the fuck off...Why aren't you..?SHARE THIS SHIT>...FRAUD! CDC Scientist ADMITS They Omitted Data Linking MMR Vaccines to Au...

#Pay attention...Obama uses Khorasan for Cover in Illegal Syria War

#Do your own research....Trust yourself...Free yourself.... Believe Nothing

#Love this guy ...A bit over the top ...but on point like a mother fucker...Obama uses Khorasan for Cover in Illegal Syria War

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



# Nice....Panic! At The Disco: Bohemian Rhapsody (LIVE)

Be the change...We Are From the Future

#Are we waking up...Yes we are...You can to...Be the change...Congressmen move to end military aid to Israel!

#Be aware ...Be strong the change...Share this shit...Anonymous - What the industry doesn't want you to know

#Be aware ...Be strong the change...Share this shit...Anonymous - What the industry doesn't want you to know

#Good shit...Share this...Coming Soon: The World's Largest Tidal Power Plant

#Good shit...Share this...Coming Soon: The World's Largest Tidal Power Plant

#I hope you people are paying attention..This is what your tax dollars are doing to free sovereign people...Terrorist Felons For Selling Organic Food!, The Story of Rawesome

#Pay attention....Share this ... Over and over...Truth in Media: Feds Says Cannabis Is Not Medicine While Holding The Pat...

Friday, August 29, 2014

#Scary shit people ... All expectant parents...Need to watch this...Prof Boyd Haley BLASTS Thimerosal #CDCWhistleblower

#Can't watch it all..??? ... Then you need to see the whole thing ... It will create change...Paul McCartney - If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls

#Can't watch it all..??? ... Then you need to see the whole thing ... It will create change...Paul McCartney - If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls

#So you think you can handle the truth Hmmm....The Covert Origins of ISIS

#Balls and ovaries of steel..Swimming with the Devil - see 1:10

#It's that time...Be the change...Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc ft. De La Soul

#It's that time...Be the change...Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc ft. De La Soul

# Any takers out there ...Want to share your opinion...?Mystery GLOW over Pacific Ocean