Friday, January 24, 2014

Share this ...Why You Should NOT Join The Military (+playlist)

We should all give this a listen....I Am Done (+playlist)

Good shit...'Female Freedom Has an Expiration Date' - Being 35 and Single

This kind of commraudery brings tears to my eyes.Where Sports meets Humanity! Amazing Video!

Any debunkers...>?From Fukushima to the end - It's too late - Only God can save us Now

Oh ya... this is good...Rapper DMX says Satan Propositioned Him Three Times! Illuminati Dr. Phil

Oh ya... this is good...Rapper DMX says Satan Propositioned Him Three Times! Illuminati Dr. Phil

Oh ya... this is good...Rapper DMX says Satan Propositioned Him Three Times! Illuminati Dr. Phil

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Veteran Busts Cop that PUNCHES a Handicapped Female in the FACE!!

Good shit .....Man Talks To Police Like A Boss

Good shit .....Man Talks To Police Like A Boss

Nothing to fear...but GOVERNMENT itself! Spread this shit......

Good shit...Women Sue for Humiliating Vaginal Search From State Troopers (Video)

Ya ........WAKE UP ??? This shit is happening everywhere all the time..... How much more of this shit are " WE THE POEPLE " going to take.NYPD Cops wake up a sleeping homeless man before BEATING him half to DEA...

Can't wait..... to take this country backOfficer charged after video shows beating - (c) WSMV Channel 4, Nashvill...

Can't wait..... to take this country backOfficer charged after video shows beating - (c) WSMV Channel 4, Nashvill...

Now why do you suppose the Federal government are handing out / making them take these tanks..?.. all over the country..??.... to arm the local police ???? ...Hmmmmm Pentagon Arming Small Town Police Departments With Tanks!

Now why do you suppose the Federal government are handing out / making them take these tanks..?.. all over the country..??.... to arm the local police ???? ...Hmmmmm Pentagon Arming Small Town Police Departments With Tanks!

I love it....good shit. Natural Living Advocate RAIDED for Housing Violations - Eustace Conway

Before you pass judgment on this man ... do a little research on what he is actually talking about .... I bet if you honestly do.... you'll agree with his argument ... you may not agree with his mannerisms or presentation......and that's O.K....

Monday, January 20, 2014

Any debunkers out there that think this ain't real.....Have at it.....Oh when the reality of this documentary slaps you in the face... might want to share this shit.... Illuminati Insider speaks out *rare footage*

Those of you that disagree with Edward Snowden's decision to release government information need to watch this documentary before you pass judgment on this man/patriot. Edward Snowden, A Truth Unveiled (Documentary)

Those of you that disagree with Edward Snowden's decision to release government information need to watch this documentary before you pass judgment on this man/patriot. Edward Snowden, A Truth Unveiled (Documentary)

I have tried to share with you and your families. Some of this content might be miss perceived in that, I am only showing and trying to expose the corruption, In order to help people realize that this is a time for change.. the only way change can take place is if people begin to realize the aberrant behavior of our so called elected officials and the power elite that have grossly miss led the populous and miss used their appointed authority. understand that you can not expect change through physical means ,change must begin in the way we think and perceive the world as a whole. change begins in thought. When we understand that we have been lied to and can begin to not except these lies and then we can start to think for our selves and create a better world not just for the U.S. but rather for the entire community of the planet. all of life not just Americans and certainly not just human life. this world is not just a human experience it is a whole experience. , All of life is dependent on each other...think about it ,we know we can't survive without the four elements...take away the sun all plant life dies ..take away the animals we all die. Einstein once said if all the Bee's were to die today that human life would not last much more than four years. You see we are all connected... all of life are dependent upon each other... ..If you think I'm exaggerating then do a little research and look this up : (the emergent and symbiotic natural laws of nature)The Zeitgeist Movement: The Emergent and Symbiotic Aspects of Natural Law

We are all connected S0 News January 20, 2014: Cosmic Connections, Spaceweather