Friday, February 28, 2014

Very interesting... looking for proof of a creator? Must see...What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?"

Notice the hand shake ...Think that was unintentional ???...Gold and Silver Manipulation Will End With A BANG!

Must see...Share this ....So good....My Spot

Share...Share...Share...The Zeitgeist Movement: The Emergent and Symbiotic Aspects of Natural Law

The implication are mind boggling.......Future of Medicines : Download your medicines & simply 3D print it! : Le...

Don't be one of the fools that fall for this nonsense....Meaning ...turning in your weapons or even registering....REGISTRATION - CONFISCATION - EXTERMINATION

This is why you need to invest in silver or gold...silver being the smarter bet...bit coin/virtual coin ect...... Really???BitCoin's Greatest Lesson

If you like George Carlin .. you'll love this... share it...SOLA 1.2 Question Authority

good stuff... The Key To Freedom

good stuff... The Key To Freedom

good stuff.... Question Everything

Thursday, February 27, 2014

To all you hip hoppers....ILLUMINATI: Beyoncé Perfect Role Model for Obama's Daughters

Still think your government is playing above board ?WTF! Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois.

Share this shit...........Witnesses Warn House Panel: U.S. Is in a 'Constitutional Crisis'

This is IMPORTANT....share this........Confirmed: Fukushima Radiation Reaches West Coast of Canada

Share this stuff.......Anonymous - Update On Ukraine Crisis 2014

Pay attention....Realize what is taking place and how this may affect YOU...Anonymous - Freedom of Speech 2014

Pay attention....Realize what is taking place and how this may affect YOU...Anonymous - Freedom of Speech 2014

Wow... Fema camps are for homeless....????Anonymous - The Homelessness Update 2014

Why are these people not in jail.... If YOU or me were to lie to congress ..WE would be in prison....Share this ...Anonymous : Presenting: David Knight - InfoWars 2014

Why are these people not in jail.... If YOU or me were to lie to congress ..WE would be in prison....Share this ...Anonymous : Presenting: David Knight - InfoWars 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So good ... very long... but worth it...The Awakening - Max Igan - Full Length Documentary (2011)

Any thoughts ???Reality is an Illusion

This guy is so good....His work with water is incredible...Water and the Electricity of Life | Dr. Jerry Pollack Interview

Is this the beginning....gotta disarm before they drop the hammer.......Gun Confiscation: Connecticut Tells "Unregistered" Gun Owners to Surrend...

Would we call him Obamonous... ???Anonymous :What If? Anonymous Became President 2014

If you give up liberty for security. YOU deserve neither...........The Awesome POWER of Gun Free Zones

oh ya....This shit get deep.......Sandy Hook: GAME OVER! NO Deaths NO Victims in Official Record

This video plays .. but the last three or four Anonymous videos will not play...??? Is any one else experiencing this?Anonymous : Message From Anonymous Ukraine 2014

This will blow your mind ...and hopefully open your eyes....THEY Are Going To Confiscate YOUR Silver!!!

For some reason this clip wont play ..HMmmmmm.........Executive Orders and American Energy Policy

We should all share this....Anonymous Presents: NSA's Partner - "GCHQ" 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

very interestingTop 10 trends Towards Floating Cities: Koen Olthuis at TEDxVilnius

Is this what the aliens/fallen angels want from us.....our abilities ?....Musical performance: Tomas Dobrovolskis at TEDxVilnius

good shit... Don't let cops violate your rights.Woman suing after going to jail for recording her own traffic stop

Great rant.........TED NUGENT vs. RAND PAUL

Stuff we need to pay attention to.... That means YOU...Smart Tyranny: How to resist the smart grid

Stuff we need to pay attention to.... That means YOU...Smart Tyranny: How to resist the smart grid

Great ... so what can we do ? .......anyone ???...2/25/2014 -- CONFIRMED RADIATION in West Coast Ocean Water -- American G...

Pay attention people.S0 News February 25, 2014: Major Flaring, Seismic Watch

Saturday, February 22, 2014

So ...What's up ?? Lets connect the dots... obviously these guys are not committing suicide...Come on you smarter than me people out there... What Lies Beneath the Bodies of Dead Bankers?

Some kind of a silencing going on...What Lies Beneath the Bodies of Dead Bankers?

Great interview...Share this stuff...Immortal Technique On Fire with Alex Jones

This is real talk ...Share this shit............Immortal Technique Discusses Illuminati

You know Ted talked way too much as a rock star ... I think he finally found his true forum....Right on Ted....Piers Morgan Vs Ted Nugent On Gun Control

You know Ted talked way too much as a rock star ... I think he finally found his true forum....Right on Ted....Piers Morgan Vs Ted Nugent On Gun Control

We should all pat attention to this ... then we should all share this..........Anonymous - Unknown Info Of Barack H. Obama

Good shit............Anonymous Barack Obama, Do You See What We See

Get involved ....Share this............Anonymous Presents - The Day We Fight Back

Good stuff...Lets get involved..The Day We Fight Back - Activism Sweeps the Internet with Global Action ...

TShare ....he Day We Fight Back

Share this........Anonymous: Venezuela PR Global Conflicts

Share this stuff....Jesse Ventura on 2016 Fundraising through Howard Stern

I find this stuff to be fascinating ..... "Fallen Angel Bloodline" is REAL! Evidence of "Demonic DNA"! Our Hidden ...

I find this stuff to be fascinating ..... "Fallen Angel Bloodline" is REAL! Evidence of "Demonic DNA"! Our Hidden ...

You know ... it is truly amazing that most Americans don't realize how full of hole the official story truly is........My god people... please wake up, share this......The best 9/11 video EVER !

You know ... it is truly amazing that most Americans don't realize how full of hole the official story truly is........My god people... please wake up, share this......The best 9/11 video EVER !

Squirming at it's finest....Obama Care Blown Wide Open

Friday, February 21, 2014

Good stuff.. share this shit...KoRn Lead Singer Jonathan Davis Unleashes the Truth

Just to break up the monotony .........IBEX—Plasma Ribbon Confirms Electric Sun | Space News

Pay attention ...something is coming ... These are the symptoms...Wall Street Top 1% Mock 99% and Get Away with Murder?

Pat attention... the chip will be implanted in YOU next ...REAL ID strikes back

I am surprised ...La county sheriffs....usually they would just kick your ass...brake the camera....charge you with numerous charges...Citizen Teaches Cops About The Law

Share this stuff...Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 1 (+playlist)

Is this guy bogus?? First 5 and now 12 ??? can any one debunk this?12 Banker Suicides Linked to JP Morgan Investigation for Forex Manipulation

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More good points....Black Teen Murdered By 75-Year Old White Neighbor [Disturbing Video]

Pretty suspect ... and ya the cops could be this dumb....Handcuffed Man Shot, Killed Himself In Cop Car?

THIS IS SO GOOD.. I had to re-share...Unite and Conquer: Fighting Back Against the Oligarchy

Good stuff... share this this...Unite and Conquer: Fighting Back Against the Oligarchy

Good shit....Any debunkers?... research this ... let me know what you come up with ....Best Illuminati hiphop song (K-rino - grand deception)

Too funny....Man Wants To Be The Real Life Devil

2014 SuperBowl Symbolism Exposed Pt.2/2 - REUPLOAD

2014 SuperBowl Symbolism Exposed Pt.2/2 - REUPLOAD

Inspiring..........Anonymous : Intercept 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

so fascinating....DISTORTIONS

This clip makes my hart ache... Please share this ... Anonymous : PLANET EARTH IS YOU

This clip makes my hart ache... Please share this ... Anonymous : PLANET EARTH IS YOU

Sorry Baily ..I just can't help myself :0 Anonymous - Fighting Trapwire

This man is brilliant.. been subscribed to Ben's website(SuspisiousObserver.) and the Electric universe channel for a couple of years now ... I don't start my day without SuspisiousObserver.Ben Davidson on Climate and the Variable Sun | Space News

If a 12 year old can see this ..why can't YOU ???12-Year Old Child Reveals One of the Best Kept Secrets in the World

Good message...Beware Of The "American Spring"

We should all watch this.... and then we should all share this....This is about you... Anonymous : PLANET EARTH IS YOU

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To all you sniveling hay sayers... here is reality 101....Try not to get lost....then share this shit ..wake up your friends and family. EXPLAINED: The New World Order Agenda

To all you sniveling hay sayers... here is reality 101....Try not to get lost....then share this shit ..wake up your friends and family. EXPLAINED: The New World Order Agenda

WOW... Just watch the first five minutes.... Share this shit ... make it viral... lets demand justice here... it's our money they stole...Against Fascism: Towards the Separation of Business and State

R U F_ _ _ _ _ _ kidding me !!! It doesn't say why but it sure seems wrong.Tyrant Cop Arrests Firefighter During Rescue Operation

This interview will give you an idea of what is controlling this government... no fear...just awareness. in fact . Be aware ... be very aware.You Say Katy Perry Performed Occult Grammys Ritual

This is real... believe it or not... No fear .... just awareness.... Be aware not afraid Illuminati's REAL "Religion" Revealed (Scary) 2013

This is very good stuff.. share this....

This is the man who first woke me up....2/11/2014 -- GLOBAL COOLING is advancing -- New study says warming on "h...

This is the man who first woke me up....2/11/2014 -- GLOBAL COOLING is advancing -- New study says warming on "h...

This is the man who first woke me up....2/11/2014 -- GLOBAL COOLING is advancing -- New study says warming on "h...

David Icke Dot-Connector: EP 1This is the man who first woke me up....

Thursday, February 6, 2014

This is why humanity wins...Epic Win Compilation 2012 - Part 7 - HD

Do a little research on the Denver airport murals .... And this clip will make sense.God of Death, Anubis to Denver Airport! (+playlist)

Geee.. why would sooo many quit all together...??? Hmmmm..40 US REPRESENTATIVES & SENATORS RETIRE FROM CONGRESS 24 HOURS BEFORE TH...

Great discussion...I can vouch for about 3/4 of what this guy is talking about.... The rest I really just don't know. Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood - Mind Control

This is a good interview ... share it. Freeman Fly 'Illuminati Demonology & Genealogy' (Uncut) ...

Anonymous - U.S. Ordered Guillotines

Anonymous - U.S. Ordered Guillotines

Give this 5min. a great tribute to some true Americans. Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out About His "Comrade-in-Arms," Ed Snowden

Why are the major media outlets NOT all over this ??? Guess who owns the media ? BUSTED: Smart Meters Emit Constant Microwave Radiation: WUSA9 News

we should share this stuff. be aware. Be Afraid: Why Is Congress So Afraid Of Congressman Steve Cohen. Watch R...


This is soooo good... must see this. Science's 10 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

Still think there's nothing to this smart meter shit... Think again. Mother Arrested For Refusing Smart Meter Speaks Out

For those of you that don't see the RF frequency health issues... try this on for size... this man makes a great point. share this shit. Ex-fraud investigator on smart meters [Take Back Your Power]

For those of you that don't see the RF frequency health issues... try this on for size... this man makes a great point. share this shit. Ex-fraud investigator on smart meters [Take Back Your Power]

Here is a little info on how frequency effect humans How Smart Meters Affect Your Body

Just give this clip the first 7 minutes .... then do some research on frequency weapons/technologies. Look what frequency does to water ...then consider... you are water...this planet is water.... making sense?Deborah Tavares - Smart Meters at Oathkeeperss Meeting

Bit coin is nother more than a precursor to the microchip .

Bitcoin ExposedOK ..I'm looking for a debunker... I suspected this is what bit coin would amount to.... Show me otherwise or debunk this

Bitcoin ExposedOK ..I'm looking for a debunker... I suspected this is what bit coin would amount to.... Show me otherwise or debunk this