Monday, March 24, 2014

Time to wake up people.. Share this shit...Woody Harrelson is Anti-Illuminati and a 9/11 Truther

Interesting.....THE SHIFT

Good shit... Share it...Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

Very interesting.. Any thoughts out there...?...How to Activate Your Super Conscious Mind! (Great Stuff!)

Very interesting.. Any thoughts out there...?...How to Activate Your Super Conscious Mind! (Great Stuff!)

Pay attention...Tech Giants Provide FULL ASSISTANCE in NSA Spying Program

stay tuned...Big Brother Censoring Free Speech on Youtube

stay tuned...Big Brother Censoring Free Speech on Youtube

Good speach#PPEU Conference Keynote

Pay attention people...Speaking of Agenda 21 | Dr. Stanley Monteith & Michael Shaw

Wake up people...Share this...A CALL to AMERICA to stand up NOW or Perish

We need to protest this .....share this...Resistance Against the New Youtube Police

Time to get ready folks...These bankers knew something...12th Banker Suicide, Experts Baffled as Bodies Stack Up

Sunday, March 23, 2014


'Must see...Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

'Must see...Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

Real shit...The Most Important Topic For Everyone in 2013

Share this...Uprising By Anonymous

These things are really going on...Cybernetics, Teleportation, and TransEvolution of Humanity with Daniel E...

Please share this...Anonymous - It's Our World, Let's Change it!

This is shocking... We need to share this...The Secret Constitution and Bank Wars with Karen Hudes

Any thoughts anyone ?The Most Important Topic For Everyone in 2013

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I love this mans passion...Gerald Celente: Total Economic Collapse in Q1 2014

YOU really need to see this...Then share it...Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - Dr. Jim Garrow

YOU really need to see this...Then share it...Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - Dr. Jim Garrow

This guy is good...Share this...Make this viral...Winner: RSA / Nominet Trust Short Film Competition: Food Rules for Healt...

This guy is good...Share this...Make this viral...Obama At Columbia Story Explains Arrogant Attitude: ROOT For America

Share this.,..Anonymous - #Op: NSA Campus 2014

PAY ATTENTION... Share this shit...Anonymous - ANON TH: Bankers Are The PROBLEM!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This exposes the true hypocrisy... wait for the end...Obama Wants Weed Both Ways?

This exposes the true hypocrisy... wait for the end...Smoking Is Worse Than We Knew


Well done... Share this shit...How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370

If you have the time ... You should watch this... Catch up people ...War is always by Deception

Really listen to what he is saying...Share this...Anarchy - AWESOME Speech

good stuff ...SOLA 4.33 Media Distraction

This is a very important message here ...SOLA 4.32 Government Torture

This is a very important message here ...SOLA 4.32 Government Torture

This is the most incredible four minutes I have ever shared... UR turn...The beauty of pollination

We should all be aware of theses things... Share it...Florida Makes Off-Grid Living; 'Illegal'

We should all be aware of theses things... Share it...Florida Makes Off-Grid Living; 'Illegal'

We should all be aware of theses things... Share it...Florida Makes Off-Grid Living; 'Illegal'

Saturday, March 15, 2014

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

So lets make the change... It's time... Share this ...AWAKEN EVOLUTION

This is very important Please share this...Ivanpah: Solar Electric Generating System

Be aware of this... Share it...SOLA 4.30 CoIntelPro

Go Kitty go ... Who's next ???Why I'm burning my last bridge with Obama

Very good Michael... You are a clever man... Great message...share this...How to Make A Difference in The World

Something to think about ...Most Shocking Second a Day Video

10 Anonymous Facts I bet you didn't know...: 10 Anonymous Facts

A must to share ... Provoke thought...instil change...Reaching out...Tool - Lateralus - Fibonacci explanation

How do you feel after watching this...? Does this offend you or does it motivate you?Anarchy - AWESOME Speech

AIs anyone listening ??? .... Share this please...narchy - AWESOME Speech

Friday, March 14, 2014

This is serious shit people... and two more are dead since this video...Share this...Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?

Don't be a scared ant.....Share this ....SOLA 4.29 Chilling Effect

Interesting... share this ....Possible Ukraine False Flag This Weekend

Share this information... Please ...Taking our power back: Geoff Tosio atTEDxBellingen

Share this information... Please ...Taking our power back: Geoff Tosio atTEDxBellingen

Am I the only one that see 's this as a RED FlAG ???10th banker death, 47 year old Manhattan trader jumps in front of train

Am I the only one that see 's this as a RED FlAG ???10th banker death, 47 year old Manhattan trader jumps in front of train

Still doubt 911 was an inside job....NSA Whistleblower was Witness to 9/11 Foreknowledge

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I bet NONE of you new any of this... I didn't... You should share it...March 2014 Breaking News Explanation How did we get to 2014 United Natio...


I bet NONE of you new any of this... I didn't... You should share it...March 2014 Breaking News Explanation How did we get to 2014 United Natio...


Are there any people away of such things ? IF so... Where were you then ? We all need to really wake up... And share this shit...March 2014 Breaking News Explanation How did we get to 2014 United Natio...


Wake up America...Share this ...Then share it again...Anonymous Barack Obama, Do You See What We See


Do the research... Then ask why the U.S. Ordered Guillotines ? ...Anonymous - U.S. Ordered Guillotines


Our leader fit these criteria's.... . Identifying Different Psychopaths


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This is really long ... Pay attention....February 2014 Breaking News UFO Fallen Angels New World Order - last day...


Any thoughts ??? ...Exposing The Fake Truth Movement


This is about Ron not Rand...But really to point out that we are living in the illusion of freedom / choice... The game is rigged..What R U going to do ? ...RAND PAUL - Last hope for America - saving the constitution.


This is about Ron not Rand...But really to point out that we are living in the illusion of freedom / choice... The game is rigged..What R U going to do ? ...RAND PAUL - Last hope for America - saving the constitution.


Time for another moment...16: Moments


Are you on this list??? Better be ready...Share this...THE LAST OF US 2


So powerful....Rest in peace... So lets pick up the fight people...The Illusion Of Choice, (George Carlin)


So powerful....Rest in peace... So lets pick up the fight people...The Illusion Of Choice, (George Carlin)


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Right on...Thoughts From Within - Woody Harrelson


How much longer will we be complacent ?100 Years of Lies, More WAR Please! (Remixed Corbettreport)


How much longer will we be complacent ?100 Years of Lies, More WAR Please! (Remixed Corbettreport)


How much longer will we be complacent ?100 Years of Lies, More WAR Please! (Remixed Corbettreport)


Share this ...Its time we pay attention....A Prison By Any Other Name


Powerful ...Share this....Supporting the Troops


Powerful ...Share this....Supporting the Troops


Powerful ...Share this....Supporting the Troops


which one of you are willing to help bring change ?....Share this......When Resistance Becomes Duty


which one of you are willing to help bring change ?....Share this......When Resistance Becomes Duty


O. K. For all you nay sayers ... Check this out.... Debunk this shit....Share...Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]


Share this stuff... stop being complacent.....100 Years of War Lies DEBUNKED


Who are you..Who Owns You?


Who are you..Who Owns You?


If you can watch this and not feel compelled to share this ...I ask ...who are you ???RAND PAUL - Last hope for America - saving the constitution.

If you ever needed proof of the human eye....or any biological eye for that matter...​What Is The Resolution Of The Eye?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Be....The Porcupine....Alan Watts - Human (The Intellectual Porcupine).

I bet you did not know this...38. Identifying Different Psychopaths

This is good people...Great message at the end....Share this...SBSS 29. The Real Hunt Brothers Silver Story Part 2

Pay attention...This could affect YOU...Obama's Next Assassination Target

Educate yourself........Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease part 1of 2

Interesting ...Can any one debunk this ? or confirm ? .... Morgellons fiber test ... Do you have the fibers in you?

Any one got any ideas or input concerning this stuff ???....Do tell ...U.S. Military intentionally poisoning us! MORGELLONS EXPOSED

So fucking good...Tool - Lateralus - Fibonacci explanation

Good stuff. Share this...Russia and China Threaten to Destroy the Almighty Dollar

Thursday, March 6, 2014

If only all journalist were more like Abby.....Share this....[339] Abby Calls Out CNN on CNN, Oscars & Drone Strikes, AIPAC 2014, Fre...

WTF....???CDC Report: Stop Breastfeeding and Vaccinate

My God if this does not convince you... Do your research...Don't know about or Believe in Chemtrails? (MUST WATCH)

If you can watch this and still think I post too much or that I wear a tinfoil hat.... Debunk this...Prove she is lying...Show she has some axe to grind... If you can't... Then you might want to think about the implications...Share this ...question it...Debunk it...I dare you...Don't know about or Believe in Chemtrails? (MUST WATCH)

So refreshing ....Lets hope it contagious...News Anchors Stand on Principle on LIVE TV - Compilation

So refreshing ....Lets hope it contagious...News Anchors Stand on Principle on LIVE TV - Compilation

Please try and wrap your head around this concept....Share this this....Gun-Grabbing Tyrants EXPOSED

Please try and wrap your head around this concept....Share this this....Gun-Grabbing Tyrants EXPOSED

Share this and get involved.....Ukraine to Start WW3

Join the movement. Get involved. Get off your ass...anonymous we are legion

We should all watch this.....Why Do People Believe Stupid Things? - BFP Roundtable #04

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Listen to the this 15 minutes of this clip.....Then share it...How You Are Enslaved And Why You Dont Know It

Free you mind of perceived perceptions..... How You Are Enslaved And Why You Dont Know It

Really good ...share this...John Lennon talking about the illuminati

Hear this guy out ... He explains what is going on pretty good...Can The Ukrainian Crisis Lead To World War 3? (+playlist)

Remember...When we share and like a video...we are helping to make information available that the main stream media will never report on .....Anonymous - 'A Reminder' 2014

Share all that you can....Anonymous : GCHQ's War Against Anonymous 2014

Share all that you can....Anonymous : GCHQ's War Against Anonymous 2014

Good shit attention ...share this information....Anonymous Presents: Christopher Greene 2014

Remember to like and share information....Anonymous : Anon TH - #Op: Direct Action 2014

Remember to like and share information....Anonymous : Abby Martin - Breaking The Set 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Listen close people... share it...Anonymous - 'A Reminder' 2014

This could be you....without change someday it may...Anonymous Presents - Christine Ann Sands 2014

Share this shit...Then get involved......Anonymous: ANON TH - Project V Clarified!

Enough your ass... help to create change...Anonymous: ANON TH - Project V Clarified!

Lets kick this shit off people....Take action and ALSO Share this shit...2014 Anonymous - Project V

Share ... If you care.........Anonymous : The Intercept 2014

Good shit....share this ....Anonymous - Message To Our Brothers & Sisters

Give this man a listen...Careful... It might change your life....Please share......Cultivating the Social Pathogen (+playlist)

Give this man a listen...Careful... It might change your life....Please share......Cultivating the Social Pathogen (+playlist)

I try to keep these post to 10 or 20 minutes....But this hit home...Share this....The Awakening - Max Igan - Full Length Documentary (2011)