Friday, October 31, 2014

#This speaks to us all...THE WAYSEER MANIFESTO - [Official Video] (HQ)

#Take a stand... ~ For remember ~ KTVA Reporter Charlo Greene Explains Why She Quit The News For Marijuana...

#Poetic justice...I love it....Dog Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill it

#The Electric universe theory is much more probable than our traditional theory...Electric Universe | S0 News October 31, 2014

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

#Be part of the change ...Be the change...Anonymous - #OpNov5 2014 (Million Mask March)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#Gotta share this again... ; )A Message To Humanity!

#Good shit ....Be the change ...19 Minutes That Can Change Your Life! (Listen and Learn!)

#Good shit ....Be the change ...19 Minutes That Can Change Your Life! (Listen and Learn!)

# Be the change you want to see...What Gratitude Can Do For Our Lives! (Law Of Attraction)

#Pay attention ....We are not these people...The rulers of our country finance these people...BRUTAL BHEADING of CHRISTIANS - As CHILDREN stand WATCHING

#If you haven't seen this ..You need to...Classic....Some of the first stuff that woke me up....Good shit...2014 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

#Does this shit have to happen to you before you find it unacceptable...Be the change ...Get involved...Scary Proof Something Is About To Happen (AGENDA 21 Is Here)

#Been saying this for the past 4 years....AMERICA WILL COLLAPSE BY 2016

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#This is so good ...Share this ...Counter Intelligence I: The Company (Full Length Documentary)

#Good stuff...Anti-Petrodollar Oil CEO Dies in Freak Plane Crash - #NewWorldNextWeek

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

#Lets stop falling for the same old tactics...Time to wake up...Time to be the change...The Art of Deception Official Full Movie

# How amazing is this....!!SQUIRREL ADOPTED BY CAT LEARNS TO PURR!!

# How amazing is this....!!SQUIRREL ADOPTED BY CAT LEARNS TO PURR!!

#Stay aware...Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 2

#Stay aware...Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 2

#Stay aware ....Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 1

#Stay aware ....Be the change...Top 25 Most Censored Stories in 2014 - Mickey Huff Interview Part 1

#Pay attention...George Carlin at his best...Share this stuff..

#Don't be a religitard...Be you...Be the change...RELIGITARDS!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

#This is the craziest animal that I didn't know existed...Did you..?True Facts About The Aye Aye

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

#They always telegraph their actions before hand...It gives them for power or energy...These people are ritualistic in all they do...WHY THE ILLUMINATI MURDERED ROBIN WILLIAMS !!! For Satan and $$$

#They always telegraph their actions before hand...It gives them for power or energy...These people are ritualistic in all they do...WHY THE ILLUMINATI MURDERED ROBIN WILLIAMS !!! For Satan and $$$

# Any debunkers out there... This kid impresses me...So called "white" people are waking up to WHO YOU "BLACKS" ARE...

#Good shit...Eddie Griffin Drops TRUTH BOMBS On Unsuspecting Crowd

#This is us...You...We...Be the change...Woman Leaves Room Speechless: "I'm just a mom!" - One Of The Most Powerf...

#Pay attention...Your guns are next....Prepare people...Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

# Amazing how well trained we really are ....How to Herd Your Tax Cattle

Friday, October 3, 2014

#This is very long but worth it's weight in gold...Share this .... Download this ...PROJECT CAMELOT: SCOTT BENNETT : CIA, SWISS BANKS FUND ISIS

# WTF...???11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks Out Before Being Killed

#This is nothing more than child abuse and pedaphilia....Mass Hamas Wedding in Gaza With Girls 6-9 Years Old! Obama sent Hamas 40...

‪#‎Our‬ body and brain are merely the genetic suit we experience the world in...Our being/ consciousness exist out side the body...Is Consciousness More than the Brain? | Interview with Dr. Gary Schwartz

#Did anyone know this...Educate yourself....Bounty hunters: 60,000 cases of US cops seizing cash & property at 'any'...

#Stay aware... Be the change... Don't keep falling for the lies...James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly

#Stay aware... Be the change... Don't keep falling for the lies...James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly

Thursday, October 2, 2014

#Pay a fucking tension....The Truth About Americans that Support War in Iraq-Syria

#So true ...Give this a listen...You should resinate to parts of this....How Reaping and Sowing Is Always In Effect! (Law Of Attraction)

#We have the power to hold police accountable...NYC police officer caught on tape commiting major crime

#Be the change...Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

#Did any of you know any of this..?Illuminati Celebrities that found Jesus (2014)

#Don't fall for the hype.... Educate yourself...ISIS, Cognitive Dissonance, and The Perfect Monster! (2014)

#please pay attention....Rob Schneider Speaks Out Against Vaccines

#About dam time....Police Officer Cries As He's Sentenced To Life For Rape | JCTV | THE JEE...

#About dam time....Police Officer Cries As He's Sentenced To Life For Rape | JCTV | THE JEE...

#might want to pass this on....Don't know about or Believe in Chemtrails? (Don't miss this one)

#Pay attention folks...Being aware might save your life...Ebola In U.S.,Will It Be Used To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 481