Friday, February 27, 2015

#WTF...Stay tuned...Is the USA Prepping For Mass Death and Hysteria? This Shocking Find Migh...

#Be the change... Greg Braden can expand on this concept...The best advice I've ever heard


#Do ANY of you still think chemtrail's are harmless or normal or even safe for that matter... Think again...Pilots, Doctors & Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails [Excerpts]

#Pay attention folks ...Share this shit...SHOCKING NEW INTERVIEW! CHEMTRAILS Kristen Meghan USAF Air Force Whistle...

#Pay attention folks...Aliens: The Ultimate False Flag

#The world ..She is a changing...2/27/2015 -- New Island Growing in Japan -- Volcanic eruptions at Nishin...

#Be aware of what's going on ...Share this...Urgent: FCC Votes Tomorrow to Regulate the Internet!

#If the bible is a bit confusing ...This may shed some light...Book of Enoch The Book for the Final Generation

#This proves our consciousness exists outside the body... The Mystery of Consciousness | Interview with Dr. Michael Clarage

#This proves our consciousness exists outside the body... The Mystery of Consciousness | Interview with Dr. Michael Clarage

#So tell me...Is this guy a demon or a great illusionist... Hmmmmmm....REVEAL These Demon Magicians, Cyril + Ahmed El-Bayed (ARM THROUGH FISHTANK)

#Watch all 7 episodes ...Good stuff...Share this shit...Demon Magicians: Episode 1 - Reveal THIS - (Criss Angel, Dynamo, David B...

Friday, February 20, 2015

#The revolution is in you...Forget The Revolution!

#The revolution is in you...Forget The Revolution!

Gotta love her...Proof They Knew War on Drugs Was a Fraud From the Beginning!

# Share this shit...The USS Liberty: A Failed Israeli False Flag Attack Against the United S...

# WTF... Share this shit...ISIS was created by the CIA and Mossad

#Love this guy... 2/20/2015 -- BOOM! "Professionals" make tectonic discovery = "the Asthe...

l#Good shit...ex Jones and his Sarah Palin Precipitation Dreams...

#Must see...Share this...Shock Video! Gov. Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#Share this...esse Ventura for President 2016 on Alan Colmes Radio

#Share this...esse Ventura for President 2016 on Alan Colmes Radio

#Share this...esse Ventura for President 2016 on Alan Colmes Radio

#Share this...esse Ventura for President 2016 on Alan Colmes Radio

#This proves that they give any idiot a gun and a badge...Poetic justice... ; )Dog Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill it

#I ask you... Do you believe this man killed himself and his wife and his 4 year old daughter...Really ??? Share this shit...In Memory of David Crowley - August 24th, 2012 interview

#Why is nobody talking about this...?David Crowley Murder: Bombshell Evidence Hidden In Plain Sight!

#Why are we not doing this ...Why don't we hear about this in mainstream...???Iceland Had a Revolution and No One Noticed | The Rubin Report

Sunday, February 15, 2015

#Good stuff... Share it...What Ever Happened to the Constitution Judge Andrew Napolitano

#Good stuff... Share it...What Ever Happened to the Constitution Judge Andrew Napolitano

#What if....ALL of this is what's going on...5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News

#Pay attention.,.. Share this shit...Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

#Pay attention.,.. Share this shit...Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

#Pay attention.,.. Share this shit...Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

#Pay attention.,.. Share this shit...Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

#Pay attention.,.. Share this shit...Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

Can't wait...No One Is Coming To Save Us

#Our tax dollars hard at work...How is this a good shoot...?Shock Video Police Execute Man With His Hands Up

#This is a bit long ... Worth watching....ILLUMINATI GOES PUBLIC WITH NWO: MUST WATCH!! PT.1/10

#Try wrapping your mind around this...The Corbett Report 672 -- Jan Irvin on the CIA, MK-ULTRA, and the Creati...

#Be the change ...and this will help...How to Change Your Life for Good - The Eyeopener

Thursday, February 5, 2015

#I don't particularly like this guy ...But he's on the money here... American Sniper Chris Kyle Was Full Of Lies, Just Like The Movie

#I don't particularly like this guy ...But he's on the money here... American Sniper Chris Kyle Was Full Of Lies, Just Like The Movie

#Amazing how uninformed and unintelligent most people are...American Sniper has warped Americans' fragile little minds

#Amazing how uninformed and unintelligent most people are...American Sniper has warped Americans' fragile little minds

#They got away with this ...So far...Imagine what else since then they have lied to us about...DID 3000 PEOPLE REALLY DIE ON 9-11 ??

#This proves our own Gov. corruption ... 2.3trillion... WTF...1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC Attacks, An Amazing Thing Happened

#Don't believe the Government... Share this...Why Is The U.S Funding ISIS!?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#You truth seekers need to check this guy out...Don't shoot the messenger...100,000 SUBS??? ARE YOU GUYS INSANE???

#You truth seekers need to check this guy out...Don't shoot the messenger...100,000 SUBS??? ARE YOU GUYS INSANE???

#When will we wake the fuck up....The mystery of the 9 time travelling bullets- OTTAWA HOAX

#More false flag proof.... How much more do you need...OTTAWA GOTTA DO TO WAKE YOU UP?

#More false flag proof.... How much more do you need...OTTAWA GOTTA DO TO WAKE YOU UP?

#More false flag proof.... How much more do you need...OTTAWA GOTTA DO TO WAKE YOU UP?

#Come on Scrooge ...Get up off that chair...Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)

#So Are we timeless an space less...Do we only interact with space and time...are we quanta...Quantum Relativity

#We never cease to amaze us.... Do we...Be the change...People are Awesome - Best of the Best (Kavinsky & Matrix's songs)

#Not only to sell his book but more importantly... To cast shadow on Ventura ... Lessen his chance to run for presidentDid Jesse Ventura Really Get Punched by Chris Kyle

#Fresh start.... Hmmmm.... Why don't our leaders do this...Croatia wipes out the debts of thousands of its poorest citizens in 'fre...

#Fresh start.... Hmmmm.... Why don't our leaders do this...Croatia wipes out the debts of thousands of its poorest citizens in 'fre...

#Getting off the grid and being self sufficient...Be the change...Americans Are A Threat to Power Grid by Cutting Back - Companies Want to...

#So Yes... We are evolving in the right direction ... And we will continue...What The Alternative and Main Stream Media Don't Want To Tell You