Monday, May 25, 2015

#This guy might make a good president...Sen. Bernie Sanders on taxes, trade agreements and Islamic State

#Question is ...Can you wrap your head around this...?Would Headlights Work at Light Speed?

#WTF...He never resisted ... There better be some charges on the cops/thugs...Sheriff Deputies Caught Beating and Taserering Man after he surrendered


#Haveing food water provisions and a plan for that last tank of gas in your car doesn't sound so stupid anymore does it..?shocking compilation: World on the Edge of Something Big... (2015)

#WTF...Muslim world reacts to Obama's latest speech - IPhoneConservative

#Learn how our universe actually works...SAFIRE—The Documentary (trailer)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

#Be aware ... Share this shit...FAKE FIX: Obama's Plan on Federal Militarization of Police

#Are we starting to see the big picture yet ... How many more times must we allow ths...?5 Big Banks Rigged Financial Markets and No One Goes to Jail

#Be the change...Sing Your Song

#Be the change...Sing Your Song

#Share this shit...Do your share...Stop Fluoridation - Mrs W. A. Masters Protests

#Please pay attention folks...Share this stuff...Is the New World Order Dying - An Article by Bernie Suarez

#And this is the best we can do...Really...???Frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Both Stumble

#And this is the best we can do...Really...???Frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Both Stumble

Thursday, May 14, 2015

#OnAndOn...The Doors - Riders On The Storm (ORIGINAL!) - driving with Jim

#OnAndOn...The Doors - Riders On The Storm (ORIGINAL!) - driving with Jim

#AndTheStormKeepsRollin...Gary Moore - Stormy Monday

#MakethatThursday...Cream - Stormy Monday

#Cool stormy song...Classics IV - Stormy

#Cool stormy song...Classics IV - Stormy

#Good stuff...Share this ...KYMATICA Full Movie HD

#So let me get this straight a 12 year old can see this but YOU can't....Really..?12-Year Old Child Reveals One of the Best Kept Secrets in the World


Thursday, May 7, 2015

#really good...Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again...

#Please pay attention folks....Share this ...What Science Isn't Telling Us: Who we are and what we can do! (Powerful)

#This girl is making more and more sense as time goes on...Our Nightmares Confirmed: The Truth Behind What the Elite Are Doing- A W...

#Are we witnessing the the dismantlement of our sovereignty...Pay attention to what is happening ...Trading Away Your Freedom by Foreign Entanglements

#It's time we end the most elaborate ponzi scheme ever contrived...Share this...Why The Federal Reserve is a Criminal Institution #EndtheFed

#Share this... How in your face is this...CREEPY MESSAGE FROM MOZILLA ABOUT GOVERNMENT SPYING.

#DO NOT put these crooks back in the white house...Share the shit out of this...You Won't Believe What Bill Clinton Said About Shady Foundation Payments

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

#Those of you whom are quick to label others as conspiracy theorist... This is for you...The Completely Unexpected Reason People Call Others 'Conspiracy Theorist...

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...Yellowstone Supervolcano Report Several Small Quakes

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...X2.7 Solar Flare, CME Impact | S0 News May 6, 2015

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: Bill Gates agrees Fed Creating Huge Asset Bubbles

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...DEA Agents Caught in Drug Money Prostitute Scandal...Guess What Happens?

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...Is Experience a Requirement for Presidential Hopefuls? | Trifecta

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...Is Experience a Requirement for Presidential Hopefuls? | Trifecta

#‎Catch‬ up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...Is Experience a Requirement for Presidential Hopefuls? | Trifecta

#Catch up on the latest news ...forget the main stream media whores...The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

#Know your rights... "I'm just following orders" is what the Nazi's claimed.. Before they were hung...Illegally Detained at an Internal Border Checkpoint

#Be aware of the hype perpetrated by our government...More Wag the Dog: Police and National Guard "Snatch & Grab" Ferguson Pro...

#Be the change...This Is A Battle Of Consciousness

#So are are we a free nation or not... WTF...SB277 Mandatory Vax Bill Passes Senate Again- Lobbyists Behind It

#Weather or not this shit goes down this summer ... You should be prepared... The New World Order Makes It's Move On America! 2015

#Be aware of what is really going on ...Share this shit...ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: Bill Gates agrees Fed Creating Huge Asset Bubbles

#WTF....Why did US help Israel make thermonuclear bomb?: Ken O'Keefe

#Gee...What happen to ISIS...I guess that lie didn't work out... Hmmmm...ISIL fabricated by US!: Former CIA contractor

#Share this slice of cold hard truth...Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not