Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#I just had to share this one...A Christian Argument: Getting Government Out of Marriage | Trifecta

#Do you want the real reason we are in constant war...?Iraq War Vet Matthew Hoh Tells Jesse Ventura Obama’s New ISIS Plan is “A...

#So why are we still burning fossil fuel...Why art we in the middle east...WHY !!!TO ALL SCIENTISTS ON THIS PLANET!

#Do something people...Get involved...TPA: Fed EX of Tyranny

#Not sure what I actually believe ...But I will share this...Dr. Steven Greer - THERE´S A MAN WHO IS SMARTER THAN EINSTEIN AND TESLA

#If you care about your health ...MUST SEE THIS...Share it...Are you looking at chemicals in shale fracking? In aquifers?

#If you care about your health ...MUST SEE THIS...Share it...Are you looking at chemicals in shale fracking? In aquifers?

#If you care about your health ...MUST SEE THIS...Share it...Death By Microwave and GMO Foods

#So I thought maybe Marge will get through to you sleepy sheep...Maybe...Marge Simpson Talks About Chemtrails and Transhumanism

#Share this ...Be part of the change you want to see...THIS WEEK: New Nullification Law Goes into Effect in Oregon

#This is why ... ONLY a full scale revolution will have any effect on change...WTF IS GOING ON IN CALIFORNIA? THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU WILL...

#Record everything...STOP letting these thugs... Break OUR laws...PLANNED PANIC - U S SOLDIERS TURN against COPS - COPS arrest COPS

#ARE YOU F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ KIDDING ME...??? YOU haven't shared this yet...What is your major malfunctions dipshit...?MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO Amazing Speech On This Evil World

#So tell me.... What is to keep this from happening here...??? We are on the same path with the same system... Hellllooo...GREECE COLLAPSE: Worst Case Scenario Unfolding

Thursday, June 18, 2015

All you main stream news watchers need to wake up...FOX NEWS LIES!

America Is Broken, Here's How To Fix It

America Is Broken, Here's How To Fix It

America Is Broken, Here's How To Fix It

#‎Please‬ share this great commentary...No Bush ... No Hitlery ...Death By Dynasties: Jeb, Hillary, and Disaster! | Bill Whittle

#Pay attention folks...Know the law and how it should apply...Share this shit...Robert Menard's "3CPO" Peace Officer $cam EXPOSED !!!

#Hmmmm...So what are they going to use these five other Wall-marts recently closed...Old Walmart In Montana to Be Used As A Government-Run Prison

#Words to live your live by...Be the change you want to see...How To Master Your Life