Monday, September 14, 2015

#Cool shit...One Massive Moose

#Share some truth...Ken O'Keefe - Alternative View Conference London - Palestine & World Aff...

#Good shit...Is the London Bridge / Hoover Dam Falling Down? 239 Ep.1

#Be the change you want to see...Alan Watts - Desire

#Pay attention folks ... This shit is real...Scary Times & Much Worse to Come! CERN causing bizarre weather/God warni...

#Share some truth... You wont get in mainstream...Russian Military Buildup in Syria Cause for ALARM

#This stuff proves we only know what we think we know...Rupert Sheldrake on the powerful JRE #550 - Morphogenetic Fields

#If this don't tear you up...nothing will...Be the change you want to see...Homeless Man Does Unbelievable Act Social Experiment

Saturday, September 12, 2015

#How cool is this...?Stunning GoPro: Russian Cosmonaut duo perform 5 hour spacewalk outside ISS

# Stay tuned...CERN: Opening the Abyss

#This is a must watch... It's time folks... Time to wake...Truthstream News 3: The Future Feeds off Your Guilt and Ignorance

#How do you feel...Free Speech Outlawed at 9/11 Ground Zero

#Loyalty to goodness...Be the change ...Abolitionists for Nullification: Whittier and Garrison

#Do you know of this man...Of coarse not you watch main stream meadia...

#Share some real truth...14 Years Later, Uniting To Put Out The Fires of 9/11

#911....Facts you wont be told on your main stream media...9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

Friday, September 11, 2015

#How can anyone still believe the offical story...World War III - Who Will Be Blamed?


#Why are cops so miss trained to be fearful, and to respond in fear for their lives. It's ironic to say but until police officers are off the streets, our communities will never be safe. We should all find a way to create alternative policing methods for our communities without giving too much authority to single individuals. We better change things fast, or nothing is gonna change. I don't even want to raise my son in this country fueled by war and the treatment of sickness, a police state, how does anyone see this country leading to anything but self destructionUnarmed Man Dies In His Own Blood Thanks To A Well-Trained Cop

#Why are cops so miss trained to be fearful, and to respond in fear for their lives. It's ironic to say but until police officers are off the streets, our communities will never be safe. We should all find a way to create alternative policing methods for our communities without giving too much authority to single individuals. We better change things fast, or nothing is gonna change. I don't even want to raise my son in this country fueled by war and the treatment of sickness, a police state, how does anyone see this country leading to anything but self destructionUnarmed Man Dies In His Own Blood Thanks To A Well-Trained Cop

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

#We are waking up... About time...Cartoon World Hoax Has Been Exposed. Why Was it so Easy?

#More truth...For those that can take it...Nasa's Great Lies Just This Week

#NASA...Can you handle the truth... I doubt it...NaSa HoAx MaChInE

#Don't believe the bullshit...The NASA Space Hoax Exposed - DOWNLOAD/REUPLOAD EVERYWHERE

#My My My ...What a tangled web we weave...MTV MTV VMA 2015 ILLUMINATI SATANIC RITUAL FULLY EXPOSED (Nail in The Co...

#WTF...? Anyone care to comment on this...The Simpsons "PREDICTED" a Donald Trump presidency !!! Illuminati Predic...

#Lets exercise a little common sense...Breaking! Porn Sniffing Dogs That Busted Jared Are Obsolete