Friday, October 28, 2016

The Incriminating History Lesson They Just Can't Teach in School

NASA is monitoring 11 asteroids that will skim past our planet this Hall...

Brexit II: Is Donald Trump a False Flag?

Brexit II: Is Donald Trump a False Flag?

Has the battleground map shifted?

45% of Americans Give No Confidence Vote to Celebrity Culture-Gov.- Media

TRUMP: the COMING LANDSLIDE. ~Ancient Prophecy Documentary of Donald Tru...


Do We Live in a Computer Simulation?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bill Clinton's Reaction To Trump Bringing His Sex Victims to Debate

Juanita Broaddrick Relives Bill Clinton Rape & Hillary Intimidation

Child Rape Victim Speaks Out Against Hillary Clinton

About the Debate and Watching the Apocolypse Unfold

Space Weather, CME?, ExoMars | S0 News Oct.10.2016

Blueprint for the End of the World - Olav Phillips

Donald Trump Destroys Hillary Clinton at Debate (FULL Live Show 10.10.16)

Google´s ´Mark of the Beast´ Prophecy FULFILLED (2016)

Hillary Clinton has a seizure on camera

5 Reasons To Try Cilantro